The best-fit business model for ecosystems

Classification and understanding

The term “platform” is being used in a variety of meanings and this includes definitions that are far away from our focus. Therefore, this is the place to clarify, which types of platform models we pursue and which not.


We believe that it's not technological features, operating processes or transactional understanding of markets that lead to the best digital platforms but only true human relationships:

Therefore, we ensure that all we do contributes to creating new or intensifying connections to collaborate across industry boundaries (ecosystem approach). This is the very core of all of our platform projects at MomentaryX AG.


We have a rich worldwide pipeline of ecosystem-based platform ideas that we implement step by step during the next years.


Market analysts encourage us: The worldwide market volume for Digital Experience Platforms is momentarily at 7.8 billion USD and is expected to grow by 2024 at a compound annual growth rate of 12% p.a. to 13.9 billion USD.


Within the DXP markets we will be famous as orchestrator of a business model perfected by us: “Business Ecosystem-as-a-Service” (BEaaS).


Our goal is to individualize and individually combine experiences for all platform participants in their particular, sometimes multiple roles: Each and every platform participant on any of our MomentaryX platforms will be able to make the particular platform “their own”, no matter if they are private individuals as consumers, as employees of a business or a governmental organization, individuals as citizens, a business and their representatives, government and their representative, etc.


If you are looking for simplistic answers about our business model, we have to disappoint you. Our platforms can’t be explained with a simple “this is our product /service “. The simplest answer is: We provide platforms and orchestrate them. The rest happens within each of the ecosystems that we facilitate. As long as one does not leave transactional mental models and applies relationship-based thinking they will have a hard time grasping the approach of our business models. In that case the best thing is to just try it and to register for one of our platforms to experience what it means to make use of the freedom within an “Ecosystem-as-a-Service”.


At this point in time we are in our start-up phase and realize one after another our pipeline of platform ideas. Please visit this site frequently. It’s worth it.


Global ecosystem for hospitality


Planned soft launch and pre-registration: Oktober 2020

Planned go-live: November 2020